Where Do I Find A Great Finance Business Partner?

Where Do I Find A Great Finance Business Partner?

The answer to this one is fairly straight forward for me....they are right in front of you!

I am a massive believer that the people who make the best finance business partners are already in your...

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Why Is Finance Business Partnering So Important?

Why Is Business Partnering So Important?

When I first started working in a business unit I was a firm believer that the way I was going to get ahead was to build awesome reports, provide great commentary about what was happening and why and...

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Who Is Your Audience?

Who Is Your Audience?

One of the biggest transitions finance professionals need to make when they become a finance business partner is the change in audience with which they are working.

Traditionally in your finance career your audience is exec...

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Common Barriers to Finance Business Partnering

I have been working in this space of Finance Business Partnering for over 10-15 years now. Some doing it in an organisation, but over the last 6-7 researching it and teaching and developing finance teams to do it effectively.

And having run over...

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What Is Finance Business Partnering?

Having researched and studied the best, and trained thousands of finance professionals over the years I am always surprised at the breadth of definition of Finance Business Partnering.

And accordingly the confusion it provides people. At...

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Why Your Budget Is Meaningless

Budgets.....the bane of every finance person's existence.

We spend 3-4 months trying to get them perfect. To only start the year with them already out of date

And then spend a day or so every month comparing actuals to them - leveraging the...

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What Would You Do With One Million Dollars?

Hypothetical question: What would you do with one million dollars?

You open your front door and there it is in a suitcase. With a note that says:

"A suitcase contains $1 million. You have 30 minutes to make an itemised list of how you would spend...

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How To Start Building Relationships

At a recent keynote I was asked what piece of advice would you give entry level finance staff around how they can start to build stronger relationships with non finance.

My answer......focus on being likeable.

92% of finance people, when asked...

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The Future of Finance.....

"Once the robots arrive, the only thing left will be business partnering?"

This is our strap line at theFBPteam.

We believe this will become true in the future of finance over the next decade.

The alternative is finance teams get downsized and...

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You Can Not Manage Time!

"The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do" - E.M. Gray

I love this quote by E.M.Gray above. It is a great stand alone quote but it also fits well into another great resource for time management.


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