Why Prince Harry will never make a great FBP

Uncategorized Jan 09, 2023

Prince Harry.....isn't he doing a good job of dishing the dirt on his family and the "institution".

I have yet to read his book or watch his Netflix series but one thing that does come across from him is his ability to operate "below the line"

And is why I would never hire him as a Finance Business Partner (did he even apply, I doubt it)

What does "Below the Line" mean?

It's a framework I was introduced to over ten years ago and describes your attitude and mindset to how you lead or approach work.

Below the Line behaviours are described as defensive, closed and focused on "winning" - typical fight, flight or freeze behaviours to threat.

And none of that is what I would want in my team. I want curiosity, learning and a focus on solutions, "above the line behaviour"

It's ok to be "Below the Line" in fact it's quite normal. But as a leader you want to find ways to get above the line as quickly as possible. And Harry just seems to me like he wants to stay "Below the Line" for a while at the moment.

If you want to learn more just click on the link below for a great video on this framework, or contact me directly. 

Feel free to forward this to Harry and Meghan too, they might enjoy it.

Above the Line/Below the Line Framework Video


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